Tuesday, September 14, 2010


The foreword to this book was written by Jim Wallis, a man in whom I will never trust.

After a twisting of the adage "Be careful what you wish for" (to my knowledge, "wish" is not usually replaced by "pray", even in Christian circles, because we tend to believe that the Lord is good), we get some good glimpses into Wallis's character.

First, we have an attack on the "middle-class believers" and the "conservatives on the religious right", two forces that historically stand in the way of Globalism and Communism. Since founding Sojourners, Wallis has advocated for exactly these two forces, only to have his plans rejected by what Nixon once called the "Silent Majority".

Next, we find that Wallis associates Claiborne's "disaffection from America's cultural and patriotic Christianity" with his delving into "the Way". This is an interesting point. The initial settlers of the early colonies were Puritans, Christians whose religious and political views made them targets in their home country. The government of this nation was founded by Christians (Jefferson and Franklin cannot be called "deist", and both agreed that the Bible is the foundation for our liberty). We are one nation under God. Even the Supreme Court in Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States announced that "We are a Christian nation". Does this mean that our republican, capitalist system is fundamentally un-Christian?

Page 14 plainly spells out the intent of Wallis and Claiborne: "apply faith to social justice". For those of you who don't know, "Social Justice" is the process by which the wealthy are robbed of their possessions to give to the poor. This is known as "redistribution", and is one of the fundamental tenets of Marxism: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Social Justice always results in a permanent underclass, who feel entitled to other people's property, and a general decline in prosperity.

Finally, Wallis praises the "emerging Christianity", a topic thoroughly discussed at crossroad.to, one of my preferred references.

In summary, Wallis has tipped his hand, revealing that what is being sold as a Christian Renewal is actually another call to that One World governance over which the Beast will reign.

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